然而,换来的却是让人心灰意冷的结果。在LPL小组赛的第二天比赛中,JDG的表现极为糟糕,几乎被IG以压倒性的优势迅速击败。Ale选用的纳尔在对线鳄鱼时虽然取得了一次单杀,但团队在决策上出现了失误,最终导致了全场的崩盘。比赛结束后的数据令人难以接受,1 ...
Sammy Wilkinson's XL, Kilo, was gunned down in East Kilbride in February last year after a fight with another dog.
12 小时
游侠网 on MSNZeus加盟LPL被T1搅黄:Zeus经纪人曝光转会内幕T1把LPL害惨了!根据已曝光的转会内幕,Zeus曾与LPL一步之遥,快要签订合同前,T1管理层上门打感情牌,最终Zeus与LPL团队的合同被取消。
Baddies Midwest Episode 22 gave a glimpse into the aftermath of the club fight after Badd Dolly was hospitalized.
Nyx is the is the Ancient Greek goddess of the night. Unlike her sister, Eos, the goddess of the Dawn, Nyx is a mysterious figure.
Diotima, the female philosopher in Plato's Symposium, has puzzled historians for centuries with her theory of love and beauty ...
Emma Moriarty and her husband Corey are parents to three beautiful dogs, all of whom they've had since they were 8 weeks old ...
1 天
游侠网 on MSNZeus经纪公司公布与Zeus的通讯记录,不尊重Zeus,Zeus凭什么尊重你?3月22日至23日,英雄联盟职业选手Zeus的经纪公司The Play通过韩媒INVEN、油管博主G识百科等渠道,首次公开了去年T1与Zeus续约谈判的完整时间线及关键通讯记录,揭露了双方在薪资、合同期限及谈判诚意上的核心矛盾,引发电竞圈震动。
1 天
小黑盒游戏 on MSNZeus离队真实原因曝光!T1转会期开价800万,想签3年外加优先续约【本文由小黑盒作者@电竞资讯君于03月23日发布,转载请标明出处!】 LCK赛区第二赛段,还有9天才开打,这段休赛期,原本是没什么讨论度的,但近日,Zeus的经纪公司,就冬季转会期拉扯问题,连发多条声明 ...
47. Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii – This name was so bad that a judge ordered the child's name changed during a custody ...
20 years later, Kratos' journey to true peace is one of the greatest in gaming. God of War is celebrating its 20-year anniversary today, March 22, 2025. Below, we examine how Kratos' character arc has ...