Scientists improved invasion models, revealing native species similarity predicts invasive species spread more accurately.
Areas of England protected for their ecological significance have fallen behind on assessments, leaving conservationists and ...
Israel's wars have taken a hidden toll on wildlife and forests: Burned woodlands, disrupted bird migrations, and the world's ...
The U.S. imports millions of wild animals every year, creating serious risks for the global ecosystem. A recent study reveals ...
Science tells us invasive species—like the spotted tilapia—are always on the move, making it difficult for scientists to ...
In the interconnected web of nature, small disruptions can yield outsized consequences. One such example comes from Central ...
Researchers at Utrecht University studied the motives that play a role in selecting extinct animals for ‘de-extinction’.
The proposed container port at Great Nicobar lacks commercial viability, and its strategic benefits remain unclear. So why is ...
The Bug Parc is the largest all-invertebrate zoo in the UK. Located in Lenwade, near Reepham, the family-friendly attraction ...
The most recent Living Planet Report showed a 39 per cent drop in the average size of North America's monitored vertebrate ...
Scientists used aircraft and satellites to track biodiversity, helping improve conservation and space research.