In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
Most ferns prefer shade, but some will tolerate a bit of sun, provided they are kept moist. Ferns grow in a variety of settings in the wild, with some preferring a dry forest floor, while others ...
The ancestors of modern ferns are among some of the oldest plants on the planet, dating back to prehistoric times. There's no need to replicate a dinosaur's habitat if you want to enjoy the fresh ...
This lush foliage plant has a wealth of varieties – find the perfect fern for you With their tightly curled croziers and distinctive leafy fronds, members of the fern family are unmistakable.
Florida has the widest variety of ferns in the continental U.S. (only Hawaii and Puerto Rico have more), and 123 of these are native to the state. Gardening with ferns is relatively easy given the ...
Although tempted to do so when you find a great fern growing in its native habitat, ferns should never be taken from the wild but instead should be purchased or obtained from a fellow gardener who ...
it also thrives on any tree with a little growing material such as moss, just as it does in the wild. Use copper wire to lightly attach it to the crook of a tree limb. The bird’s nest fern does ...