Morris, for his part, said he reminds himself “of the incredible safety record of commercial aviation. Statistically speaking ...
There were 18 people injured after a Delta Air Lines jet from Minneapolis crashed and overturned while landing in Toronto Feb ...
According to the Cleveland Clinic, 25 million people in the U.S. have aerophobia, which often affects younger people from ...
Discover the unwritten rules of overhead bin etiquette, from proper bag placement to avoiding conflicts with fellow ...
Duffy called each of the recent incidents "very unique" and also talked about recent layoffs and Elon Musk's efforts to ...
The videos are enough to instil fear in just about anyone: The plane hits the tarmac, bursts into flames, and barrel-rolls as ...
Recent plane disasters may leave you wondering if you'll ever fly again. The fear of flying, called aerophobia, impacts 25 million Americans. Tiffany Schmermund is so afraid of flying that she's only ...
Airplane anxiety is natural—but experts say it shouldn’t overshadow the fact that flying is still safe in the U.S.
But as a travel journalist, I fly all the time, so it’s something I’ve had to learn to cope with,” Méndez tells Yahoo Life. She says it helps with her claustrophobia to board last because it shortens ...