Today’s Democratic Party is directed by lifetime, millionaire politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and Barack Obama, non-elected Washington, D.C., bureaucrats and extreme ...
Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to offer brief comments on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or ...
Even Will Rogers might be hard-pressed to come up with an appropriately harsh jibe about the current state of the Democrats. ...
Even Will Rogers might be hard-pressed to come up with an appropriately harsh jibe about the current state of the Democrats. ...
The best way to get published in an elite media outlet is to say that the people were right in thinking things were bad in ...
The DNC’s favorite Gen Z TikTok influencer — who once interviewed former President Joe Biden — is in hot water with fans ...
The latest plea comes in the form of an emergency appeal the Justice Department filed with the court last week, seeking to ...
In a town hall meeting on Tuesday, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz addressed the Harris campaign's decision to not appear on Joe ...
The fundraising email comes as House Republicans probe potential suspicious activity related to the fundraising platform.
Now it’s all blown open. This makes some Democrats nervous. The party is bereft of a single leader and seems adrift, ...