Plants play a key role in regulating Earth's climate, but recent research suggests that rising temperatures could disrupt ...
该研究为苹果蜡质沉积的自然变异提供了深刻的遗传见解,揭示了植物如何通过复杂的基因调控机制来适应环境压力。这一发现不仅为苹果育种提供了新的方向,也为其他农作物的抗逆性改良提供了基因基础,具有广泛的应用前景。通过解析植物对逆境的适应机制,科学家们希望能够 ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. Recent studies argue for a novel concept of ...
The identification of genes involved in development such as cell wall modifications, biosynthesis and transport of cuticular waxes, cuticular membrane deposition and associated transcription factors ...
The outbreak of diseases ordinarily results from the disruption of the balance and harmony between hosts and pathogens. Devoid of adaptive immunity, shrimp rely largely on the innate immune system to ...