Scotland’s ferry system requires “fundamental reform”, Scottish Labour has said, ahead of a Holyrood vote. The call comes ...
There was much in the way of runes to read about the future of the Ferguson Marine yard at Port Glasgow after Monday's announcement ...
DIRECTLY awarding the contract for seven ferries to the publicly owned Ferguson Marine shipyard could have been “the worst of both worlds”, ...
The prophets of doom had a field day over the future of the Ferguson Marine shipyard after it failed to win the contract for ...
Directly awarding the contract for seven ferries to the publicly owned Ferguson Marine shipyard could have been “the worst of ...
Jim McColl, who previously owned Ferguson Marine, blamed Cmal for problems building the two Arran ferries and accused the ...
McColl rescued the Port Glasgow shipyard from administration when he bought it in 2014. Publicly-owned shipyard Ferguson Marine would have been “perfectly capable” of building seven new ferries rather ...
The former owner of Ferguson Marine has insisted the Port Glasgow yard can survive - but only if it's handed back by the government to ...
Publicly-owned shipyard Ferguson Marine would have been “perfectly capable” of building seven new ferries rather than the Polish rival it ...
Jim McColl accused the SNP of doing a "hatchet job on the yard to divert attention away" from ferry procurement arm ...
Publicly-owned shipyard Ferguson Marine would have been “perfectly capable” of building seven new ferries rather than the ...