The applied physicist explains how the structure of 52,000-year-old genes hint at the biology of an extinct animal ...
A stitch can be a thorn in your side while racking up miles, but can it be prevented? Harry Bullmore finds out ...
Specifically, cholinergic cells in the ventral pallidum/substantia innominata (VP/SI) innervated the basal nucleus (BA), while the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB) projected to its ...
Relay of muscle-derived sensory information to the CNS is essential for the execution of motor behavior, but how proprioceptive sensory neurons (pSNs) establish functionally appropriate connections is ...
This indicates that spiking pattern, regardless of receptor type, determines vibrotactile frequency perception. This mechanism may underlie the constancy of vibrotactile frequency perception across ...
Cellular and non-cellular components of the tumor microenvironment (TME) are emerging as key regulators of primary tumor progression, organ-specific metastasis, and therapeutic response. In the era of ...