直播吧3月18日讯 NBA常规赛,湖人125-109轻取马刺,芬尼-史密斯赛后接受了媒体采访。 谈到湖人在围绕卢卡打造进攻方面的进展,芬尼-史密斯表示:“这真的很有趣,伙计,他会在进攻端给对手制造很多麻烦,所以我们只需要让他打得更轻松。” ...
On Monday night, the NBA gets the new work week underway with 10 games on the main slate. The first game doesn't tip off ...
Tonight’s nine-game NBA DFS slate features a blend of close contests and potential scoring explosions. With seven games ...
SportsLine's Mike McClure, a daily Fantasy pro with more than $2 million in winnings, gives optimal NBA DFS lineup advice for ...
对于湖人而言,球队的健康显然是重中之重。争夺总冠军不仅需要实力的加持,更需保持全员的健康状态。NBA历史上曾多次出现因常规赛末期拼搏导致核心球员严重受伤的案例。因此,湖人主教练雷迪克认为,只有确保在季后赛来临之前稳定在西部前六的位置,避免进入附加赛以 ...
Down South, we’re all about college football and college basketball. So why wouldn’t you come to the experts for picks for ...
The 2024-25 NBA season continues with a six-game slate on Thursday. With options in the NBA DFS player pool such as ...
今天上午9点30,西部第4的洛杉矶湖人队将继续客场挑战西部第2的掘金队。湖人这边刚刚客场以106-126惨败雄鹿后,遭遇3连败,目前以40胜24负排在西部第4,胜率被西部第5的火箭队追平,随时可能会掉出西部前4。掘金这边则是以95-115罕见的主场惨 ...
The 2024-25 NBA season continues with an eight-game slate on Wednesday. With options in the NBA DFS player pool such as ...
直播吧3月17日讯 今天凌晨3点半,湖人将在主场迎战太阳。 湖人官方宣布,东契奇(脚踝)、文森特(左脚踝伤病管理)、芬尼-史密斯(左脚踝伤病管理)和贾克森-海斯(膝盖)都可以出战。 目前,湖人40胜25负排在西部第五。