The author says the Irish juggernaut in Rhode Island flourished between 1945 to 1950, when Gaels filled every local vocational niche and government office.
AN ewe in Somerset has given birth to five lambs - a very rare occurrence, with some saying it is a 'one in a million' chance. Tracey Lockyer, 56, from a farm in Shapwick near Bridgwater, has 120 ...
Abstract: This letter proposes a miniaturized dielectric waveguide bandpass filter (BPF) using strongly coupled resonator quintuplet (SCRQt). The SCRQt is formed by five quarter-wavelength resonators ...
A SHEEP in North Cumbria has defied the one-in-a-million odds by giving birth to five healthy lambs! The quintuplets were born to a Texel ewe on the Benson family farm at Biglands, Wigton, last week.