Attention to the past provides psychological benefits to individuals and fulfils social-psychological roles for wider communities. It can serve as a coping mechanism in times of stress and, in the ...
On January 23, representatives from the Concordia University Union of Support Staff - Technical Sector (CUUSS-TS) and the university met to sign their new agreement, effective from June 1, 2023 to May ...
Target students: Open to Undergraduate and Graduate students in finance, accounting, actuarial studies, economics and other business-related fields. Are you interested in the world of finance but ...
Travel allowance for presenting research at major scholarly conferences, or artistic expositions in peer-reviewed or juried context. Concordia University's discipline-specific donor awards present an ...
Discover which academic programs are still accepting applications for admission to upcoming sessions. Please note that programs may close at any point after the official deadline without warning. If ...
Richard Howe, BEng 88, traces his career trajectory back to a hobby he began as a teen: taking apart cars and putting them back together. Now CEO of Inuvo — an AI-powered advertising and data company ...