Intel’s new “Twin Lake” processors are low-cost, low-power chips designed for entry-level computers. The first PCs powered by the chips started to arrive late last year, including systems made for use ...
The Khadas Mind is a modular computing platform that debuted in 2023 with the launch of a tiny computer sporting an Intel Raptor Lake processor and support for add-ons including a basic docking ...
The Khadas Mind is a modular computing platform that debuted in 2023 with the launch of a tiny computer sporting an Intel Raptor Lake processor and support for add-ons including a basic docking ...
At launch, Emdoor plans to offer a motherboard with either an AMD Ryzen 7 250 or Ryzen 7 260 “Hawk Point” processor with a Zen 4 CPU and RDNA 3 graphics, two SODIMM slots with support for up to 128GB ...