Proyecto de Orden por la que se incluyen nuevas sustancias en el anexo 1 del Real Decreto 2829/1977, de 6 de octubre, por el que se regulan las sustancias y preparados medicinales psicotrópicos, así ...
El pasado 21 de diciembre se publicó en el BOE la Ley 7/2024, de 20 de diciembre, por la que se establecen un Impuesto Complementario para garantizar un nivel mínimo global de imposición para los ...
I have over 20 years' experience as a trade, regulatory, public affairs and public international lawyer working in both the public and private sectors. I head up Fieldfisher's London trade team, ...
No poach: Durchsuchungen im Bereich der wettbewerbswidrigen Vereinbarungen im Personalbereich – Eine Einordnung arbeits- und kartellrechtlicher Risiken für Unternehmen.
We are more than just a European law firm specialising in providing commercial solutions across industries and sectors. We have a particular focus on companies in highly regulated industries and those ...
Fieldfisher has 22 offices across 12 countries, we work collaboratively with each of our offices to ensure our clients receive the best advice and support. To learn more about how we can support you ...
Fieldfisher has 23 offices across 12 countries, we work collaboratively with each of our offices to ensure our clients receive the best advice and support. To learn more about how we can support you ...
If you or your family have been affected by sub-standard medical care by a midwife, our team of expert medical negligence solicitors can help you pursue a claim for compensation. To speak with one of ...