Adelheid Sommer is a physicist is head of the school lab at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Zeuthen, which she also established. She serves as co-spokesperson for the network of school ...
Wir entwickeln Produkte und gründen Unternehmen. Und liefern so Lösungen für die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Zum Beispiel einen kompakten chemischen Reaktor zur Herstellung von synthetischen ...
Through their scientific work, Helmholtz doctoral students contribute to solving the most pressing problems facing our society. The Helmholtz Association wants to inspire talented young researchers at ...
The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (Max Delbrück Center) is one of the world’s leading biomedical research institutions. Max Delbrück, a Berlin native, was a ...
What are the molecular causes of diseases? How can artificial intelligence and data science help us to understand them at the level of individual cells? And how can pandemics be avoided or contained ...
In unseren Innovation Labs arbeiten Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft eng zusammen – mit dem Ziel, innovative Technologien mit großem Zukunftspotenzial schnell und effizient in die Anwendung zu bringen. In ...
Climate change, the extinction of species, environmental pollution, and the increasing vulnerability of a technological society to natural disasters are among the greatest challenges of our time. We ...
Synchrotron sources, the Swiss army knives of research: They generate extremely bright light pulses and provide insights down to the smallest atom. To generate synchrotron light with even higher ...