We generate evaluative evidence and help Nesta and our partners effectively use evidence so we can create lasting impact on millions of lives. Nesta is working towards three ambitious mission goals: a ...
All babies and children need stable, caring relationships and stimulating experiences to thrive. The environment and experiences of early childhood shape our brains and bodies, creating the building ...
Nesta Impact Investments backs innovative businesses that focus on creating social and environmental good. We want to harness the power of commercial innovation and technology to support Nesta’s ...
How can it help me? SWOT (aka Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) is an analysis that can be done on a project, department, organisation or entire sector, no matter the size. It is a way ...
Jonathan was the Director of the Alliance for Useful Evidence from 2012 to 2021. Learn about evidence-informed decision-making, and why research is an essential element of it. Understand the different ...
Sarah is a senior analyst for policy futures in Nesta's Discovery Hub, which aims to create a link between Nesta’s current portfolio and our pipeline of future work. Throughout 2023, protests were ...
Bringing experts together to address the defining issues facing the country, from tax and economic growth to health and education. Children born today will reach adulthood around 2040. What will life ...