Nabiac, NSW 2312 - Nabiac.com
Nabiac has a population of around 600 and services the surrounding communities of Wootton, Failford, Rainbow Flat, Dyers Crossing, Krambach and Coolongolook. Nabiac means ‘place of the wild fig’ and lies between lands once inhabited by the Biripi and Worimi Aboriginal Tribes.
A Historical Perspective - Nabiac.com
At the time of the first European settlement, the Nabiac district was inhabited by the Katang-speaking aboriginal people of the Worimi and Biripai tribes.
Nabiac Events Calendar
Events and festivals held in Nabiac NSW 2312. Regular events include the Nabiac Farmers Market, the Nabiac show, motor cycle and car events. Come and see what is happening in Nabiac.
Nabiac Showground Saturday 8th March, 2025 Admission: Adults $ 15 Children (under 6 years of age - FREE) $ 5 Aged Pensioners (must show concession card) $ 5 Family Pass (2 adults 3 children) $40 All Exhibitors & Competitors pay gate entry fee Enquiries: Mary Webber or to Secretary, Showground Lane, Nabiac, 2312
Nabiac Showgrounds is a designated glass free area, so no glass drink containers are to be brought onto the Nabiac Showgrounds. The Wallamba District A & H Assoc. Inc. reserves the right to search for any prohibited item including, but not limited to, weapons, controlled, dangerous or illegal substances, alcohol (bottles or cans)
History - Nabiac.com
The History of Nabiac. Our village has a rich history with the first property being established in the 1850’s. Click here for more. Our Community Centre – formally The Nabiac Memorial Neighbourhood Centre – was previously the hospital. Now it houses the Op Shop, the CTC, the Pre-School, and a meeting room and other facilities.
Organizer template - Nabiac.com
Come along to buy really fresh local produce at the Nabiac Farmers Market. Locally grown organic vegies, free range eggs, local fruits, cakes, chocolates, gingerbread, olive products, honey, natural skin care, gourmet goodies, wines, sourdough bread, a variety of plants, locally made crafts, gifts for friends and family, seedlings, chooks and ...
Manning Great Lakes Birdwatchers Archives - Nabiac.com
Dear Viewer, On behalf of all the members of Manning Great Lakes Birdwatchers I would like to welcome you to this page on the Nabiac.com Website. This site will give you an overview of the Activities of the club as well as a guide to the Bird species and the locations...
Dvinyl Custom Sewing and repairs - Nabiac.com
An Industrial Sewing Service, specializing in upholstery, caravan refits, motor trimming and repairs. We sew leather, vinyl, upholstery, saddlery, canvas, PVC, shadecloth, zips, velcro. Press studs and rivets and fittings. Offering a prompt personalised industrial sewing service. Please phone with enquiries. xx
Nabiac Landcare normally works each Wednesday (weather permitting) 8-9am to 11am, followed by a very yummy morning tea. Membership is only $2.00 plus an occasional donation to the morning