White seabass - Wikipedia
The white seabass or white weakfish, Atractoscion nobilis, is a species of croaker occurring from Magdalena Bay, Baja California, to Juneau, Alaska. They usually travel in schools over deep rocky bottoms (0–122 m) and in and out of kelp beds.
White Seabass - What to know, when & where to get it
2021年8月11日 · White seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) live along the Pacific Coast from Southwest Alaska to Baja California, with the largest populations in the Baja and Southern California areas. In warmer water years, they are found in greater numbers on the northern part of their range.
How to Cook Pacific White Seabass - The Spruce Eats
2023年1月19日 · Discover tips on selecting and cooking Pacific white seabass. It's perhaps a lesser-known fish but one of the finest fish on the West coast.
White Seabass - California Sea Grant
White seabass emits croaking sounds by hitting the abdominal muscle against the swim bladder. [2] Is a large, mobile fish with an average size of 9 kg (20 lbs) and just over 1 m (3 ft), but the largest recorded white seabass in California was 42 kg (93 lbs) and 1.5 m (5 ft) long.
Gray Ghosts: Targeting the Elusive Southern California White Seabass ...
2022年2月14日 · Some of the best white seabass action can occur in the morning twilight—a time period that SoCal anglers call the “gray bite.” This also gives rise to a popular nickname for these croakers—gray ghosts.
White Seabass Enhanced Status Report - California
2020年12月31日 · White seabass, Atractoscion nobilis, is the largest croaker species in California waters (Thomas 1968). White seabass have an elongated body, large mouth, and a raised ridge along the length of its belly. Adults are bluish to gray dorsally with dark speckling and silver to white color ventrally.
White Sea Bass (Croaker) - American Oceans
The White Sea Bass, scientifically labeled Atractoscion nobilis, is the largest species of croaker fish on the west coast. The scientific name comes from the Latin stems atrax (spindle), skion (from sciaena, an old name for croakers), and the nobilis (noble).
White Seabass (Atractoscion nobilis)
2024年10月11日 · Explore the majestic White Sea Bass, known for its silvery-white body, large size, and gentle nature. Learn about their habitat in the coastal waters of the Pacific, feeding habits, and importance in sport fishing.
White seabass - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
White seabass or white weakfish, Atractoscion nobilis, is a species of croaker occurring from Magdalena Bay, Baja California, to Juneau, Alaska. They usually travel in schools over deep rocky bottoms (0–122 m) and in and out of kelp beds.
White Seabass - Pier Fishing in California
2023年8月14日 · White seabass taken at the Ventura Pier. Alternate Names: Ghost, grey ghost, biscuits, king croaker, Catalina salmon, bull tomcod, croaker, weakfish, or seatrout (young fish). Called corvina cabaicucho or corvina blanca in Mexico.