The Golden Pagoda of Namsai, also known as Kongmu Kham, in the Tai-Khamti language, is a Burmese-style Buddhist temple that was opened in 2010. It is located on a 20 hectares (49 …
The Golden Pagoda is built on plateau overlooking the plains at the foothill of the last fringes of Eastern Himalayas of Patkai Range in Arunachal Pradesh. It is built in Burmese architectural …
Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Arunachal Pradesh lies the Golden Pagoda, a magnificent Buddhist temple and one of the most iconic landmarks of Namsai. Known locally …
The Golden Pagoda is built on plateau overlooking the plains at the foothill of the last fringes of Eastern Himalayas of patkai Range in Arunachal Pradesh. It is built in Burmese architectural …
'Golden Dagon Pagoda'), and also known as the Great Dagon Pagoda and the Golden Pagoda, is a gilded stupa located in Yangon, Myanmar. The Shwedagon is the most sacred Buddhist …
2024年10月16日 · The splendid golden pagoda built in the Thai/Burmese style sits majestical amidst a beautiful landscaped garden surrounded by lush greenery and exudes peace and …
The Golden Pagoda, also known as Kongmu Kham, is a magnificent Buddhist temple located in the Namsai district of Arunachal Pradesh known for its stunning Burmese architecture and …