10 Tips for Better Crop Spraying - Successful Farming
2018年1月6日 · Mark Hanna, Iowa State University Extension agricultural engineer offers these 10 tips for more effective and safe spraying. 1. Small drops take time to hit target. A tiny droplet 100 microns in diameter (about the diameter of a human hair) takes 11 seconds to fall 10 feet.
Advancements of Spraying Technology in Agriculture
2021年6月8日 · These advanced spraying technologies not only reduces the labour cost but also effective in environmental protection. Researchers are conducting experimental studies on the design, development and testing of precision spraying technologies for crops and orchards.
Sprayers 101 – A Resource for Safe, Effective and Efficient Spraying …
Sprayers 101 is a non-profit resource describing best practices in safe, efficient and effective agricultural spraying. The site is based in Canada with content freely contributed by international authors. Browse our library of articles, videos, presentations, apps, calculators, tables and ePubs. Use the search bar to find articles by key word.
Agricultural spraying techniques have undergone remarkable evolution driven by technological advancements and the growing need for sustainable crop management. This paper aims to explore recent developments in agricultural spraying, including innovations in equipment, formulations, and application strategies.
How to Spray a Field to Prevent Overlap and Reduce Drift Injury
Proper spraying techniques for various situations are outlined and illustrated. A table shows how changing the sprayer speed can affect pressure on sprayers with rate controllers. Robert N. Klein, Extension Western Nebraska Crops Specialist.
Six steps for spraying success - BASF
Apply herbicides when wind speeds are between three to 10 miles per hour and when the wind is blowing away from sensitive crops. To avoid off-target applications between the point of direct application and the closest sensitive crops, a buffer zone should be in place between 60 to 110 feet in ground applications.
New crop-spraying technologies are more efficient than ever
2024年5月8日 · A number of new spraying methods employing artificial intelligence (AI) are being commercialised, promising to cut the amount of pesticides a farmer needs to spray by a colossal 90%. The...
Comprehensive Guide to Agriculture Spraying Technology
2024年10月29日 · Agriculture spraying technology has evolved significantly over the years, playing a crucial role in modern farming practices. From the application of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other crop-protection chemicals, the technology behind spraying ensures precision and efficiency, reducing waste and improving crop yields.
Sprayers and Spray Application Techniques - Center for …
Two general types of sprayers are available for greenhouse application of pesticides: hydraulic and low-volume. There are many variations of these that fit particular crops or growing methods. In the hydraulic sprayer, a pump supplies energy that carries spray material to …
Advancements of Spraying Technology in Agriculture
2021年6月10日 · Researchers are conducting experimental studies on the design, development and testing of precision spraying technologies for crops and orchards. Old sprayers for orchard spraying (a) hand...