Oreo cookie sign (heart) | Radiology Reference Article
2021年2月26日 · The Oreo cookie sign refers to the appearance of pericardial effusion on lateral radiographs of the chest. A vertical opaque line (pericardial fluid) separating a vertical lucent line directly behind the sternum (paracardial fat) anteriorly from a similar lucent vertical lucent line (epicardial fat) posteriorly.
Double Oreo cookie sign (glenoid labrum) - Radiopaedia.org
2021年12月30日 · The double Oreo cookie sign refers to the presence of two hyperintense lines in the superior glenoid labrum, one of which represents a superior labral tear and the other a physiological sublabral recess 1,2.
Pericardial effusion | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2023年11月18日 · lateral CXR may show a vertical opaque line (pericardial fluid) separating a vertical lucent line directly behind the sternum (pericardial fat) anteriorly from a similar lucent vertical lucent line (epicardial fat) posteriorly; this is known as the Oreo cookie sign 5
SLAP lesion type IV - double "Oreo cookie" sign
There is also a double "Oreo cookie" sign with fluid between labrum and glenoid cartilage and between two pieces of labrum. Surgical treatment is indicated in all types of SLAP lesions except for type 1, which has no clinical relevance.
Hemopericardium | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2023年1月22日 · the "straight left heart border" is an infrequent sign with low sensitivity (~40%) for hemopericardium in penetrating trauma patients 3 the Oreo cookie sign on lateral CXR CT
Oreo cookie sign - pericardial effusion - Radiopaedia.org
The Oreo cookie sign is a finding on a lateral radiograph suggesting the presence of a pericardial effusion. The dark outer cookie pieces of the Oreo cookie correspond to the dark inner epicardial and outer retrosternal paracardial fat.
Oreo cookie sign of pericardial effusion - Radiopaedia.org
Nice example of the oreo cookie sign of pericardial effusion on a lateral CXR secondary to hemopericardium from penetrating chest trauma. Case courtesy of Dr Nivene Saad.
Oreo cookie sign of pericardial effusion | Image | Radiopaedia.org
2019年2月14日 · Oreo cookie sign (heart) - “ The Oreo cookie sign refers to the appearance of pericardial effusion on lateral radiographs of the chest. A vertical opaque line (pericardial flu...”
Oreo cookie sign of pericardial effusion - Radiopaedia.org
Hacking C, Oreo cookie sign of pericardial effusion. Case study, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 04 Sep 2023) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-66319
Superior labral anterior posterior tear - Radiopaedia.org
2024年10月16日 · double Oreo cookie sign sublabral foramen : SLAP tear type II, in which the labrum is avulsed from the underlying glenoid can look similar to a sublabral foramen (a variant of normal), but can be distinguished from the latter by observing high signal extending between the glenoid and labrum posterior to the attachment of the biceps tendon