Scleral reinforcement surgery - Wikipedia
The surgery aims to cover the thinning posterior pole with a supportive material to withstand intraocular pressure and prevent further progression of the posterior staphyloma. The strain is reduced, although damage from the pathological process cannot be reversed.
Posterior Scleral Reinforcement as a means of myopia control
Posterior scleral reinforcement may be an effective surgery on controlling myopia progression by slowing both refraction and axial length change. However, frequent surgical complications should be considered. Further well-designed studies are needed to …
后巩膜加固术是高度近视患者最后的“救命稻草”吗? - 知乎
2019年11月11日 · 当眼轴增长的到一定的程度时,眼球壁的各层组织(视网膜、 脉络膜 、巩膜)就会变薄,之后就很容易发生各种病理性的改变而发生一系列并发症,包括视网膜脱离、视网膜劈裂、 近视性黄斑病变 和脉络膜萎缩,严重的可致盲。 那如果可以加强/稳定后部巩膜的强度,是不是就可以防止或减缓眼轴的进一步增长,达到减少或消除上述病理视网膜和脉络膜并发症的目的呢? 理论上是可行的。 很久以前眼科医生就期望通过加固/稳定后巩膜来减缓眼轴增长了(最 …
Posterior Scleral Reinforcement to Prevent Progression of Hi.
Posterior scleral reinforcement (PSR) is the only way that may have the potential to prevent the progression of axial elongation. Some scholars expressed satisfaction with the efficacy and safety of PSR. In contrast, other surgeons had negative conclusions on the outcomes for the surgery.
Clinical outcomes of posterior scleral reinforcement in ... - Nature
2024年7月17日 · We aim to observe the posterior scleral reinforcement (PSR) clinical outcomes of children with high myopia and analyze the retinal vessel alteration before and after PSR by using angiography...
王乐今:后巩膜加固术治疗儿童高度近视 - 知乎
后巩膜加固术,英文称之为Posterior scleral reinforcement,简称PSR。它被证明是一种有效手段减缓眼轴增长,可减少近视并发症的发生。后巩膜加固术,是用异体材料(自体
Effect and safety posterior scleral reinforcement on controlling …
Posterior scleral reinforcement (PSR) was first proposed by Shevelev and later improved by Thompson [14, 17]. The use of posterior buckles on the thinner sclera can provide local stabilization, which may slow down the development of axial elongation and myopia [18].
Effect and safety posterior scleral reinforcement on ... - Springer
2024年2月6日 · Posterior sclera reinforcement can control the development of myopia. This meta-analysis looked at PSR’s effects in treating myopia in a pediatric population. It concluded that the PSR group showed significant improvements in SE, AL, and BCVA compared to the control group, with no significant adverse effects.
后巩膜加固术 - 百度百科
后巩膜加固术(posterior scleral reinforcement, PSR),又称巩膜后兜带术、后巩膜支撑术或后巩膜加强术,是应用异体或自体的生物材料或人工合成材料加固眼球后极部巩膜,以期阻止或缓解近视发展的一种手术。
Posterior Scleral Reinforcement to Prevent Progression of High …
Posterior scleral reinforcement (PSR) is the only way that may have the potential to prevent the progression of axial elongation. Some scholars expressed satisfaction with the efficacy and safety of PSR.