Robust control - Wikipedia
In control theory, robust control is an approach to controller design that explicitly deals with uncertainty. Robust control methods are designed to function properly provided that uncertain parameters or disturbances are found within some (typically compact) set.
Robust Control Theory - Carnegie Mellon University
Robust control theory is a method to measure the performance changes of a control system with changing system parameters. Application of this technique is important to building dependable embedded systems.
To function properly, it must be robust to the imperfections of the model, i.e. the discrepancies between the model and the real system, the excesses of physical parameters and the external disturbances. The main advantage of robust control techniques is to generate control laws that satisfy the two requirements mentioned above.
Robust Control - Control Theory
Robust Control Optimal control allows us to create controllers and state estimators that are mathematically optimal – provided our assumptions are valid, and our quadratic cost function accurately captures our real world needs.
Robust Control - SpringerLink
2020年10月20日 · Robust control is term used to indicate a class of control methods that use high-gain or high-frequency amplification of feedback signals to yield a desired objective despite uncertainty in the system dynamics that can be bounded within a compact set.
Robust Control System - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Robust control is a controller design method that focuses on the reliability (robustness) of the control algorithm. Robustness is usually defined as the minimum requirement a control system has to satisfy in order to be useful in a practical environment.
Why Robust? • When we design a control system, our ultimate goal is to control a particular system in a real environment. • When we design the control system we make numerous assumptions about the system and then we describe the system with some sort of …
Robust Control - SpringerLink
5 天之前 · Modern robust control design [4, 13, 16] can be considered to be such a systematic method. It has been applied to power system controls in a number of papers [2, 3, 7, 10, 14]. One of the difficulties is to fit the power system performance requirements into a control design strategy which is meant for more conventional control systems. Here we ...
Robust Control - SpringerLink
The purpose of robust control theory is to enable control engineers to determine quantitatively whether or not a feedback control design is capable of maintaining satisfactory performance for all perturbations within a given class.
What Is Robust Control? | Robust Control, Part 1 - MATLAB
2020年2月11日 · This video covers a high-level introduction to robust control. The goal is to get you up to speed with some of the terminology and to give you a better understanding of what robust control is and how it fits into the larger control field.