The letter must be on Department Letterhead and must contain the Circumstances that create the need to be armed during the flight, specify the trip itinerary, and include a designated period …
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The policy of the Stockton Police Department is to comply with the provisions in Government Code § 7070; Government Code § 7071; Government Code § 7072 for the approval, …
The Stockton Police Department will maintain and utilize a Police Canine Unit. The canines will be assigned to the Patrol Section of the Field Operations Division, or other sections as needed, …
This policy establishes guidelines and regulations for trained Stockton PD officers to administer intranasal naloxone hydrochloride under the direction of the San Joaquin County Emergency …
Members of the Stockton Police Department will respect and honor the privileges, rights and immunities accorded to Diplomatic and Consular Officials by international agreement and …
The following definitions refer to classifications used in processing and disposing of property and evidence that comes under the control of the Police Department.
I. POLICY It is the purpose and intent of this policy to reduce the exposure to secondary smoke which has been identified as a public health hazard. It is the policy of the Stockton Police …
The Stockton Police Department will develop and maintain a team of sworn police officers who will serve as civil liability investigators in conjunction with, and under the authority of, the City …
POLICY The reporting party in a call-for-service shall be contacted by the responding officer, unless the caller wishes to remain anonymous or refuses contact.