css - How to use tick / checkmark symbol ( ) instead of bullets in ...
I have a list where I want to add tick symbol before list text. Is there any CSS that can help me to apply this way? this is my text this is my text this is my text this is my text this ...
Custom bullet symbol for <li> elements in <ul> that is a regular ...
I realize one can specify a custom graphic to be a replacement bullet character, using CSS attribute: list-style-image And then giving it a URL. However, in my case, I just want to use the '+' s...
css - HTML list-style-type dash - Stack Overflow
2010年7月8日 · <dd> can be defined using standard css style such as {color:blue;font-size:1em;} and use as marker whatever symbol you place after the html tag. It works like ul li, but allows you to use any symbol, you just have to indent it to get the …
Unicode character as bullet for list-item in CSS
2010年7月8日 · I need to use, for example, the star-symbol(★) as the bullet for a list-item. I have read the CSS3 module: Lists, that describes, how to use custom text as bullets, but it's not working for me. I ...
I need an unordered list without any bullets - Stack Overflow
2019年4月21日 · If you are developing an existing theme, it's possible that the theme has a custom list style. So if you can't change the list style using list-style: none; in ul or li tags, first check with !important, because maybe some other line of style is overwriting your style.
html - Getting rid of bullet points from <ul> - Stack Overflow
To remove bullet from UL you can simply use list-style: none; or list-style-type: none; If still not works then i guess there is an issue of priority CSS. May be globally UL already defined. So best way add a class/ID to that particular UL and add your CSS there. Hope it will works.
html - How to add icon to a UL list tab - Stack Overflow
2014年3月27日 · you can use :before pseudo element to put the icon in every list item.. for example check the CSS below and the Demo. and now update Demo
How can I change the color of the dot in an unordered list?
ul li { /* Bullet color */ color: red; list-style-type: disc; } ul li span { /* Text color */ color: black; } jsFiddle preview If you can't modify your HTML, you can either use list-style-image with a custom-colored dot, or use generated content (i.e. li:before ) and color it accordingly (but watch out for list bullet position problems).
html - CSS: Text indent for list with dash - Stack Overflow
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Can't remove bullet points from UL list with Icons
2013年4月4日 · Remove the the CSS inline ul li:after declaration. Those are shadowing the styles in styles.css. Those are shadowing the styles in styles.css. ul li:after { border-left: 3px solid #FE6500 !important; }