哥伦布,俄亥俄州附近的结果 ·
  1. Second-Story Balconies - Fine Homebuilding

    • Some builders address the wicking problem by installing plywood on the exterior deck, followed by a waterproof surface material such as fiberglass. This works better than deck boards with drainage gaps, but it still … 展开

    Like A Deck, Without Posts

    Steve Baczek, Architect A balcony not cantilevered will likely have a ledger similar to a deck. Best practice is to space the ledger away from the sheathing to allow for drainage and to f… 展开

    Fine Homebuilding
    Cables, Brackets, Or Piers

    Support from below with brackets. Steve Baczek, Architect Because cantilevering floor joists is foolish, how should your deck be supported? For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume tha… 展开

    Fine Homebuilding
    Steel Balconies Are Energy Smart. Cantilevered Concrete, Not So Much

    Several manufacturers—including Metalcraft (metal-craft.net) of Pensacola, Fla., and Timmerman Manufacturing (timmermanmfg.com) of Conover, N.C.—design, e… 展开

    Fine Homebuilding