A-Frame – Make WebVR
A web framework for building virtual reality experiences. Make WebVR with HTML and Entity-Component. Works on Vive, Rift, desktop, mobile platforms.
A-Frame School
[Optional] Set Up a Web Development Environment — Use ngrok. Optionally, you can use ngrok to help develop your A-Frame project on a smartphone without having to do the local IP address dance.. Download and unzip ngrok anywhere; Run ngrok, providing it the port number of your local server (./ngrok http 8080)In the output, ngrok will give you a URL with a bunch of letters …
A-Frame Builds | aframe
A-Frame Builds. To include these builds, you can download and serve them locally. To include the latest master build from a CDN, include the script below from the jsdelivr CDN:
A-Frame Registry
2016年6月1日 · A curated collection of A-Frame ready-to-use components also available from within the A-Frame Inspector
A-Frame Presentation
A-Frame scene by Ada Rose Edwards running from inside my HTML slides; Works on desktop, Android, iOS, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive; Could open up the DOM Inspector to change values live