Abhidharma - Wikipedia
The Abhidharma are a collection of Buddhist texts dating from the 3rd century BCE onwards, which contain detailed scholastic presentations of doctrinal material appearing in the canonical Buddhist scriptures and commentaries. It also refers to the scholastic method itself, as well as the field of knowledge that this method is said to study.
Abhidharma - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
abhidharma (P. abhidhamma; T. chos mngon pa ཆོས་མངོན་པ་; C. apidamo/duifa 阿毘達磨/對法) — refers to a set of texts developed by the early Buddhist schools and the system of thought that is presented in those texts.
Abhidhamma - Buddhism Guide
Abhidharma (Sanskrit; Pāli Abhidhamma) is a category of Buddhist scriptures that attempts to use Buddhist teachings to create a systematic, abstract description of all worldly phenomena. The Abhidharma represents a generalization and reorganization of the doctrines presented piecemeal in the narrative sutra tradition.
What is Abhidhamma? Origin, Contents and Key Concepts
2024年5月2日 · While the Sutras (Buddha’s teachings) cater to a wide audience, the Abhidharma is for those who want to deepen their wisdom and understanding of the Dharma. It is believed that the Abhidharma was last formulated during the Third Buddhist Council, about 250 years after the Buddha’s death.
What is the Abhidhamma? | Buddhism A–Z - Lion's Roar
Made up of seven books, the Abhidhamma teachings explore various aspects of human experience, including the nature of consciousness, universal mental factors, the cultivation of mindfulness, elements of existence, and the processes …
Abhidharma - P D Santina - 00 - budsas.org
This most technical use of the term abhidharma has five aspects, or meanings: (a) to define dharmas; (b) to ascertain the relationship between dharmas; (c) to analyze dharmas; (d) to classify dharmas, and (e) to arrange dharmas in numerical order.
Abhidharma - New World Encyclopedia
Abhidharma (Sanskrit) or Abhidhamma (Pāli) is a category of Buddhist scriptures, and the ideas contained in and based on them, that attempts to use Buddhist teachings to develop Buddhist ontology and theories of consciousness within the framework of the theory of salvation.
Early Buddhist Philosophy (Abhidharma/Abhidhamma)
2016年4月28日 · The technical term abhidharma is a propositional compound composed of abhi and dharma, which the relevant sources endow with two principal meanings: (1) pertaining to or with regard to (abhi) the doctrine (dharma); (2) the highest or advanced (abhi) doctrine (dharma).
Understanding Abhidharma, a.k.a. Buddhist Psychology - Lion's …
What is the Abhidharma? The Abhidharma is Buddhism’s comprehensive taxonomy or analysis of all of the possible experiences that we can have in this mind and body. It’s a very detailed, systematic compilation of all of those possible experiences, not only just a snapshot.
Abhidharma - Embodied Philosophy
The Abhidharma is a detailed scholastic reworking of doctrinal material appearing in the Buddhist Sūtras, arranged systematically to create a framework for understanding the nature of reality and the processes of cognition and existence.