Acquiescence Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ACQUIESCENCE is passive acceptance or submission : the act of acquiescing or the state of being acquiescent. How to use acquiescence in a sentence.
Acquiesce Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ACQUIESCE is to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively —often used with in or to. How to use acquiesce in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Acquiesce.
ACQUIESCENCE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ACQUIESCENCE definition: 1. the act of accepting or agreeing to something, often unwillingly: 2. the act of accepting or…. Learn more.
Acquiescence - definition of acquiescence by The Free Dictionary
acquiescence - agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly"
Acquiescence - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Acquiescence is an agreement, usually a willingness to go along with what someone else suggests. "Sure, I don't mind," "That sounds like a plan," and "Good idea" — these are all ways to show your acquiescence.
ACQUIESCENCE definition | Cambridge English Dictionary
ACQUIESCENCE meaning: 1. the act of accepting or agreeing to something, often unwillingly: 2. the act of accepting or…. Learn more.
acquiescence noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and …
the fact of being willing to do what somebody wants and to accept their opinions, even if you are not sure that they are right. There was general acquiescence in the UN sanctions. The best one can hope for is grudging acquiescence from the majority in the party. The play is about acquiescence in the face of evil.
ACQUIESCENCE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
ACQUIESCENCE definition: the act of acquiescing; agreement or consent without protest | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
ACQUIESCE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ACQUIESCE definition: 1. to accept or agree to something, often unwillingly: 2. to accept or agree to something, often…. Learn more.
Acquiescence Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Tacit or passive conduct that implies agreement or consent. For example, if one makes a statement and another is silent when an objection should be forthcoming, the second person’s acquiescence to the statement may be inferred.