Maps delivers a great experience without Apple knowing which stores, neighborhoods, or clinics you visit. Because Maps doesn’t include a sign-in, where you go isn’t associated with your Apple Account at all. And personalized features, like locating your parked car, are created right on …
Apple Maps is a web mapping service developed by Apple Inc. As the default map system of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS, it provides directions and estimated times of arrival for driving, walking, cycling, and public transportation navigation.
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2024年7月24日 · Now, users can get driving and walking directions; find great places and useful information including photos, hours, ratings, and reviews; take actions like ordering food directly from the Maps place card; and browse curated Guides to discover places to eat, shop, and explore in cities around the world.
Maps gives you at-a-glance information to make every drive a good one. Route planning provides ETAs for future departures based on expected traffic. As you drive, you see traffic in real time.
Apple Maps is the best way to navigate and explore the world - all with your privacy protected. What's new: • Topographic maps with stunning details like contour lines, hill shading, hiking trail information and more.
Apple Maps is the best way to navigate and explore the world — all with your privacy protected. What's new: • Topographic maps with stunning details like contour lines, hill shading, hiking trail information and more.
Maps gives you at-a-glance information to make every drive a good one. Route planning provides ETAs for future departures based on expected traffic. As you drive, you see real-time traffic and current speed limits.
2024年8月12日 · With the new beta version, you can browse to the Apple Maps website to get driving and walking directions and check out popular destinations.