Atlantic croaker - Wikipedia
The Atlantic croaker is native to coastal waters in the western Atlantic Ocean. Its range extends from Massachusetts to Mexico and includes the northern half of the Caribbean Sea but possibly not the southern Gulf of Mexico or the Antilles.
Atlantic Croaker - species - Atlantic States Marine Fisheries …
Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulates) are a bottom-dwelling species, in the same family as red drum and weakfish. They can be found from the Gulf of Maine to Argentina, but along the US Atlantic coast, they are most abundant from the Chesapeake Bay to northern Florida.
Atlantic Croaker: Facts, Habitat & Behavior - Ocean Info
The Atlantic croaker, named for its croaking sound, features wavy lines and thrives along the Atlantic coast, playing a key role in marine ecosystems. The Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus)is a special species of fish that belongs to the family Sciaenidae.
Atlantic croaker - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The Atlantic croaker is native to coastal waters in the western Atlantic Ocean. Its range extends from Massachusetts to Mexico and includes the northern half of the Caribbean Sea but possibly not the southern Gulf of Mexico or the Antilles.
Atlantic Croaker | NC DEQ
A member of the drum family, Atlantic croaker derives its name from the croaking sound it produces by vibrating its swim bladder. Size: Catches are commonly 9 inches and 1/3 pound, but Atlantic croaker are found as large as 20 inches and 5 pounds.
Atlantic Croaker ( Micropogonias undulatus) - Texas Parks
The Atlantic croaker is found on the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts southward and throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Other The Atlantic croaker is one of the most abundant fishes in North American coastal waters.
Atlantic Croaker - Chesapeake Bay
The Atlantic croaker is a silvery-pink fish that makes a loud “croaking” sound. It visits the Chesapeake Bay from spring through autumn. An Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) swims at the Virginia Living Museum in Newport News, Va., on Dec. 30, 2018.
Atlantic Croaker - Marine Fishes of Georgia
Range: From South Florida to Massachusetts and in the Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: Young fish found in estuaries, usually over mud or sandy bottoms; older fish (2 to 3 years) inhabit deep offshore waters during the winter months and move into bays …
Atlantic Croaker - American Oceans
The Atlantic croaker has an eight-year lifespan. Striped bass, sharks, spotted seatrout, other croakers, and humans are among their predators. Croakers in the northern section of their area mature later and live longer than those in the southern.
Atlantic croaker - Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Atlantic croaker - Micropogonias undulatus. *Information from FAO Species Identification Guide Western Central Atlantic* A medium-sized fish, slightly elongate and moderately compressed.