base64 - What is base 64 encoding used for? - Stack Overflow
2008年10月14日 · The base64 is a binary to a text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format. base64 is designed to carry data stored in binary format across the channels. It takes any form of data and transforms it into a long string of plain text.
What is the real purpose of Base64 encoding? - Stack Overflow
2014年1月4日 · Base64 is a mechanism to enable representing and transferring binary data over mediums that allow only printable characters.It is most popular form of the “Base Encoding”, the others known in use being Base16 and Base32.
security - What is the purpose of base 64 encoding and why it …
Base64 encoding is a form of obfuscation, which simply means to render unclear. For many applications, this is sufficient encryption where the goal is simply to mangle any clear text sent over a wire, for example.
Base64 Encode "string" - command-line Windows? - Stack Overflow
2016年5月5日 · I have found numerous ways to base64 encode whole files using the command-line on Windows, but I can't seem to find a simple way to batch encode just a "string" using a command-line utility. How d...
Base64 encoding and decoding in oracle - Stack Overflow
2010年9月27日 · BASE64 encoding takes 3 Bytes of input stream and converts it to 4 * 3 Bytes. Each of these 3 Bytes are mapped to 64 different characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "+", "/" - thus you get name BASE64). Ensure that value of substring_length is a whole multiple of 4 for BASE64_DECODE, resp. a whole multiple of 3 for BASE64_ENCODE.
How can I do Base64 encoding in Node.js? - Stack Overflow
'base64' - Base64 string encoding. 'binary' - A way of encoding raw binary data into strings by using only the first 8 bits of each character. This encoding method is deprecated and should be avoided in favor of Buffer objects where possible. This encoding will …
cryptography - MD5 Hash and Base64 encoding - Stack Overflow
2019年5月28日 · I mentioned above that many Base64 encoding algorithms add a couple of characters of padding when encoding an MD5 value. This is because Base64 represents 3 bytes of information as 4 characters. Since MD5 has 16 bytes of information, many Base64 encoding algorithms append "==" to designate that the input of 16 bytes was 2 bytes short of the ...
How to encode text to base64 in python - Stack Overflow
2014年4月19日 · Base64 encoding is a process of converting binary data to an ASCII string format by converting that binary data into a 6-bit character representation. The Base64 method of encoding is used when binary data, such as images or video, is transmitted over systems that are designed to transmit data in a plain-text (ASCII) format.
algorithm - Why do we use Base64? - Stack Overflow
Base64 encoding is not meant to provide security. Base64 encoding is not meant to compress data. Why do we use Base64. Base64 is a text representation of data that consists of only 64 characters which are the alphanumeric characters (lowercase and uppercase), +, / and =.
encoding - Why does a base64 encoded string have an = sign at …
Padding allows the following extra benefits: 1) that base64 strings will all be a multiple of 4 characters long, which may simplify decoder design, and 2) that you can concatenate two base64 strings without re-encoding and there is enough information at the break to …