Grief Counseling Certification American Academy Grief Counseling …
Provide high quality programs of Certification and Fellowship for professionals practicing grief/bereavement counseling. Develop and support high standards of education and practice requirements for the attainment of certification, fellowship status, and re-certification.
Resolve Through Sharing Bereavement Education
Gold-standard bereavement education. Since 1981, Resolve Through Sharing (RTS), our not-for-profit industry-leading bereavement education program, has trained more than 60,000 healthcare professionals around the world to deliver evidence-based bereavement care across the lifespan.
Grief Educator Certification - David Kessler Training
Help People in Grief Find Peace After Even the Most Devastating Losses. Grief Educator Certification is a comprehensive grief training program led by renowned Grief Expert, David Kessler to help you confidently guide others and heal your own heart.
Resolve Through Sharing Bereavement Training - Gundersen …
Bereavement education for healthcare professionals. Bereavement training by Resolve Through Sharing (RTS) enhances your knowledge, skills and comfort level when caring for grieving patients and families across the lifespan.
David Kessler Training
Grief Educator Certification is a comprehensive grief training program led by Grief Expert, David Kessler to help you confidently guide others and heal your own heart. In this FREE course for bereaved parents, David Kessler walks you through the healing process of one of the most challenging experiences to remember with more love than pain.
Certification - Center for Loss & Life Transition
Bereavement caregivers who complete five Center for Loss courses (150 hours) are awarded the “Death and Grief Studies Certification.” What an affirming way to be recognized for your ongoing commitment to bereavement care!
Grief Education & Training for Professionals | Dougy Center
Dougy Center offers training on The Dougy Center Model, online courses, and workshops to counselors and helping professionals working with children, teens, and families who are grieving. Online Grief Education Courses
Trainings - Center for Loss & Life Transition
Become more familiar with the grief process. Enhance your ability to relate effectively to the grieving person or family. Develop new skills to cope with personal feelings related to death and grief. Receive resource materials to facilitate continued learning. Fine-tune skills in …
Grief Training | Portland Institute for Loss and Transition
The Portland Institute is committed to offering accessible and affordable training in grief therapy to professionals throughout the world. Click here to learn more about both onsite and online offerings currently available, or to arrange a training series in your area.
Grief Counseling Certification and education - AIHCP
The American Academy of Grief Counseling now provides a full program of four (4) key courses in grief counseling. All of these courses are offered as online, continuing education courses. You may preview more information on our online continuing education courses to meet certification requirements, by accessing this link .