Bitterne Church of England Primary School - Home
We are a Church of England primary school serving families in the Southampton area. We take great pride in our ethos, which is rooted in the values of love, trust, and forgiveness. These values guide us in our mission to nurture and support each child, ensuring they receive the tools they need to thrive both academically and personally.
Bitterne Church of England Primary School
At Bitterne Church of England Primary School, we are proud to be a part of the Church of England community. We are a community school, guided by the values of love, trust, and forgiveness, which are at the core of our ethos and shape our interactions with children, staff, and families.
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - Contact Us
Contact details for Bitterne CE Primary School, Southampton including telephone and E-mail
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - GOV.UK
Establishment Bitterne Church of England Primary School. URN: 116339 . Voluntary controlled school. Download establishment data
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - Open - Ofsted
2015年3月17日 · Address: Brownlow Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 7BX; Region: South East
Everyone at Bitterne CE Primary is determined to ensure that each child is safe, happy and learning well, without exception. Robust systems are in place to monitor Church school effectiveness. As a result, self-evaluation is accurate, and the vision is used to drive improvement.
Bitterne Church of England Primary School – Term Dates
2024年12月25日 · Bitterne Church of England Primary School (BCPS) Brownlow Avenue Bitterne Southampton Hampshire SO19 7BX. Headteacher: Mrs Jen Johnson. Tel: 023 8049 9494. URN: 116339. DfE Code: 852/3200. 415 pupils between the ages of 4 and 11. http://www.bitterneceprimary.net Schools must open for 195 days each year.
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - School Ratings
School Ratings for Bitterne Church of England Primary School, Brownlow Avenue, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 7BX. This school was rated Good by Ofsted in March 2019. For it's latest set of KS2 results 50 percent of students met the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths and 2 percent of students met the higher standard.
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - Crystal Roof
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - Exam results, Ofsted rating, Admissions, Applications, Offers, Pupils and their characteristics, Class sizes, Cohort sizes, Student Destinations.
Bitterne Church of England Primary School - English
At Bitterne CE Primary School, our English curriculum is designed to provide all pupils with a high-quality, inspirational education. We are committed to nurturing progressive reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of literature and language.