24 Cool Chicken Runs – Plans, Pictures, & Designs - BackYard …
2015年8月4日 · Ok so I have one of the prefab tractor supply coops. The top part of the hen house is open. I closed it up with hardware cloth. The chickens want to get up there and in the roost at night and I have to catch them and put them in the hen house. My question is should I removed the hardware cloth off the top and just let them come and go and night?
Accessorizing Your Run- How to Make Your Run More Fun For …
2014年12月26日 · Many people do not have enough space to let their chickens free-range, or they want their chickens to be safe from predators. Some chickens must stay in a run so they don't wander into the neighbor's yard, or into the road. Whatever the reason your chickens must stay in a run, there are many ways to make the run more fun for your chickens.
Plants In The Chicken Run! A Mini Forest For Chickens!
2022年6月12日 · Right now the run is 24'x24' with 13 chickens (44 sq ft each with 6 of them being tiny bantams). I will be expanding it another 32 feet, so the new total run will be 24'x56'. I wanted more room to plant fruit trees and other edible shrubs, and of course more chickens!
How To Fix A Muddy Run Chicken Coop - BackYard Chickens
2012年1月11日 · A muddy run looks awful, gives you brown bedraggled chickens, stinks to high heaven, and breeds a lot more flies than a dry run does. I have worked with horses, quite a lot and all over the place, for most of forty-some years, and believe me, I have been acquainted with more than my share of mud and mudholes and the fixing thereof.
Chicken Run Height | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2007年1月11日 · I go in the run to catch a chicken, service the water, service the dust bath, pull an annoying weed, plant seeds, feed scratch or snacks, paint the coop, add sand, pick up the rare mislaid egg, visit the detainees during the hawk migration, shovel snow, level the surface for runoff or to fix something.
Climbing plants for run. - BackYard Chickens
2024年12月14日 · Any edible flowers that vine, can't think of these at moment. For shade & chicken feed next to run - sunflowers & juresulem artichokes (sunflower @ top, tuber in ground). Rosemary will provide shade in run. Planted in raised bed, pot or in ground. Protect roots from chicken scratching until well established. ***** Well, darn...
Chicken run what type of lumber and size should I ... - BackYard …
2008年10月8日 · I try to never paint anything like that. I doubt the chickens would peck the paint off (they might, I suppose) it is more a maintenance factor in not painting. You can see my run if ya click on the webpage thingy below my name and pic (to the left). The run is on the main coop, (and the main page). Hope this helped. ETA - our run is 8x16 by 6 ...
Disinfecting the Run Grounds - BackYard Chickens
2011年12月14日 · Just curious, when chickens are kept in a run, no free ranging, is there a way to disinfect the ground once in awhile without endangering the birds? A spray or something that can be applied to the dirt but that they can continue to be in, I'm not able to free range them and don't have any other run to put them in during the disinfecting.
thoughts on just using chain link fence for a chicken run?
2013年8月29日 · For the coop, we bought plans from mypetchicken.com for the Bella coop. It is going to be extremely safe and predator proof and our girls are great at going up into the coop from the run before 7 every night. Because the coop is so secure, we were thinking about just using a chain link fence run, similar to a dog run.
Trees/Bushes for Chicken Run - BackYard Chickens
2011年6月1日 · I planted grapevines inside my run. Well, technically I built the run around the grapevines. You can get vines at your local nursery that are ~4'+ tall and thus mostly out of reach of jumping chickens. My chickens really like their vines and hide under them throughout the worst of our oppressive summer heat.