The perfect clown loach tank mates. - Loaches Online Forum
2012年11月6日 · Re: The perfect clown loach tank mates. Post by Bas Pels » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:29 pm Perhaps a bit moralistic, but one might wonder whether we should take fish out of their natural habitat, put them into a tank, in circumstances which are not only not ideal, but even less ideal then possible.
Clown Loach tank mates - Loaches Online Forum
2015年2月19日 · My biggest concern about tank mates for my clown loaches is the temperature that they prefer. I keep my tank at 80 degrees F and it is too warm, at least I thought, for most tetras and cory cats. I could only find one cory cat - sterbai - that can handle the warmer temps. All of the tetras that have been suggested seem to do best at 72 - 78 F.
Tank Mates? - Loaches Online Forum
2013年1月17日 · Remember when choosing tank mates: Warmer water (upper 70sF to low 80s) LOTS of water flow. Not quite Hillstream Loach set up, but I have over 10x the tank volume per hour of water movement. While Clown Loaches do get along pretty well with most other fish, I would not put more bottom oriented fish with them.
Tank mates for clowns - Loaches Online Forum
2009年7月27日 · Post by leviathan loach » Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:36 pm I'm setting up a new clown loach tank and wanted to get everyone's feed back on good tank mates for clowns. My last set up was pretty boring with just tigers barbs, some algae eaters, two dwarf plecos, and, of course, my beloved clowns.
Is Dwarf chain loach or Zebra Loach compatible with clown loaches
2018年11月30日 · I have approx 65 litres per Clown Loach and would ideally want more but advice for me to base my decisions on was limited 25 years ago. In fact advice back then was completely wrong (e.g. can be kept singly, only 3ft tank/130 liters needed for a group, max size 6", max lifespan 10 years) and I had to make my own judgments.
Tank mates - clown loaches - Loaches Online Forum
2006年1月14日 · I have a 4' tank with (now) 4 clown loaches. I lost my 8" loach while we were away on hols. I am not sure what happened, but the house sitter didn't notice for a few days I don't think. I am still trying to fix the tank - V large algal bloom. Even had a bright green film on the top of the water.
Angelicus Loach / Kubotai Botia - neat! - Loaches Online Forum
2007年3月5日 · Hi, just wanted to ask the Angelicus Loach - Kubotai Botia people here, what kind of tank mates are good with the Kubotai's? I am hearing from a couple people they can be territorial, or mean, not good with cory cats, etc. But the three I have in my cory and guppy tank are having a riot! Was possibly going to put into the clown loach tank.
Clown loach jumped out of tank! - Loaches Online Forum
2006年2月11日 · Clown loach jumped out of tank! Post by ey » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:59 pm I was feeding the clowns this evening and as usual, they all gathered at the top of the tank and were making loud noises while snacking on frozen bloodworms.
Aggressive Clown Loaches - Loaches Online Forum
2006年2月20日 · I have had 11 clown loaches living happily in my aquarium for the past nine months. they have tank mates including a discus, some neons, 3 peppermint bristlenose, a couple of tiger barbs and 2 silver sharks. Everyone has gotten along fine until a couple of days ago i realised that my largest clown loach had been damaged on his side.
help - Rapid breathing and odd behaviour - Loaches Online Forum
2009年7月3日 · cashmart35 wrote:ok...question on whats up with my clown loach. I have a 15 gallon tank with 2 neon tetras, 1 black phantom tetra, and 2 clown loaches. The fish have been in the tank 3 days now and they are also the first fish to live in this tank. The ammonia is neutral, the PH is neutral, and the water temp is good.