Twelve Cranial Nerves? | Student Doctor Network
2008年1月26日 · A more modern version of the 12 cranial nerves mnemonic: Our Only Option To Try And Find A Guilty Verdict ...
Dirty Mnemonics and Exams | Student Doctor Network
2012年7月23日 · Greatest one I ever heard was for the cranial nerves and I saw it on wikipedia: Old Oprah Occasionally Trots Triumphantly About, Farting Velveeta Globs, Vaunting Accolades Hysterically Donald Juan
What's your worst mnemonic you've heard or used in medical …
2014年8月7日 · One of my classmates told us that his mnemonic for remembering which clotting factor is deficient in hemophilia A vs. B is that the letter "A" sounds like the word "eight." Seems like it's a lot simpler just to remember that A comes before B and 8 comes before 9!
explain this mnemonic to me. i don't get it - Student Doctor …
2005年9月17日 · Which cranial nerve is Sensory, Motor, or Both- Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Breasts Matter More Forums Communities Pre-Med Medical Resident Audiology Dental Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Podiatry Psychology Rehab Sci Veterinary
The best acronym/pneumonic ever | Student Doctor Network
2004年11月17日 · We have all encountered several humorous/usefull acronyms and pneumonics for our studying at some point. I think that sharing them could prove to be quite amusing. My personal favorite is for the cranial nerves (I learned these …
Funniest Mnemonics | Student Doctor Network
2015年12月4日 · Wouldn't we fail gross anatomy if we needed pneumonics just to memorize the names of the cranial nerves? I'm barely passing and i know them all offhand. Off topic, but still. I like the branches of the external carotid pneumonic: Some Lonely F*ckers Only Prefer Anal Self Masturbation Also branches of the facial nerve: Ten Zebras Bit My Crotch
Vet School Study Tools | Page 3 | Student Doctor Network
2014年7月23日 · You can find Taxonomy Mnemonic, Layers Of Skin Mnemonic, Lumbar Puncture Layers Mnemonic, Layers Of Retina Mnemonic, Mnemonic For Cranial Nerves, and many more. sciencemnemonic ScienceMnemonic.com - An Easy Way To Memorize Your Science Knowledge Using Mnemonics, Pictures, Visuals, Acronyms, Usage, Examples, Or Word Games.
anatomy mnemonics | Student Doctor Network
2006年10月29日 · Cranial nerves 😡 Oh - Olfactory Oh - Optic Oh - Occulomotor To - Trochlear Touch - Trigeminal And - Abducens (abducents? anyone else seen it that way??) Feel - Facial Virgin - Vestibulocochlear Girl's - Glossopharyngeal Vagina - Vagus (vag = vag) So - Spinal accessory Hairy - Hypoglossal ^^^saved my life on a few questions, along with their ...
Autonomic vs. Somatic | Student Doctor Network
2004年8月12日 · The cranial portion is carried in the cranial nerves, yes, but not all cranial nerves are PsNS, just 3, 7, 9, & 10. And the sacral portion is the pelvic splanchnic nerves. So the ANS looks like this: Cranial PsNS: CN III, VII, IX, X SNS Sacral PsNS: pelvic splanchnic And ANS nerves are both sensory & motor, just like somatic nerves.
Dental Mnemonics!! - Student Doctor Network Communities
2006年2月22日 · The cranial nerves number one through twelve (dentists deal primarily with cranial nerve number five, the trigeminal nerve). The mnemonic is: 1Some 2Say 3Marry 4Money, 5But 6My 7Brother 8Says 9Big 10Brains 11Matter 12Most. By remembering this mnemonic, we instantly know that cranial nerve five is both (5B) sensory and motor. The Krebs cycle: