Bridgette Mongeon – Sculptor & Writer
Sculpture-Bridgette is a talented, creative, reliable with very good personality human being. When you see her sculptures, you whant to be around Bridgette all the time or often. She works well with clients. ~ Sophya Tabarovskaya
life size – Bridgette Mongeon
There are several variables to consider when preparing for the unveiling date of a life-size bronze. The first is the schedule of work in the artist's studio. The artist will also need to fit the job into her vendors schedule. For a bronze sculpture, and especially a life size sculpture, the artist has foundry, scanning and enlarging to consider.
Sculpture – Page 6 – Bridgette Mongeon
2018年3月12日 · Sculptor | Writer | Speaker. Menu. sculpture
Praying Man- Dallas Baptist University – Bridgette Mongeon
2014年8月17日 · Prayer has always been important in my life and it was a blessing to be able to put that in a sculpture. Stay tuned to how you can purchase a small replica of this statue. We are working on that now. Bridgette, Thank you for your faithful dedication to complete the “Called to Pray” sculpture for Dallas Baptist University.
Newsboy Sculpture – Bridgette Mongeon
2009年9月4日 · Traditional sculpture has changed for some over the years. When it comes to creating a sculpture for a client, many start with a small maquette, or small sculpture. This is usually done to try to obtain a pose and work out the movement of a piece. An example of creating a maquette can be seen in my Newsboy blog, and is shown on this page.
Installation Of Dallas Baptist Sculpture – Bridgette Mongeon
2013年5月7日 · We are so grateful to you for your creative talents, led by the Holy Spirit, to craft this sculpture for the DBU Family. The “Called to Pray” statue will stand as a tribute to Dr. Cook’s legacy as a spiritual leader, but more importantly, this symbol will serve to remind all of us to be on our knees, submitting to the Father’s will and ...
Gary Staab, Staab Studios – Bridgette Mongeon
2007年6月14日 · When asked what his favorite sculpture is, Gary is like most artists combing through their mind for the personal connection, weighing each creation, but he found himself drawn to his most recent creative endeavor. “I’m still in love with Lucy,” he states.
blog – Bridgette Mongeon
2024年11月1日 · Sculptor | Writer | Speaker. Menu. sculpture
Grambling Tiger – Bridgette Mongeon
2014年1月5日 · The rocks in this Grambling State tiger sculpture are just as massive as the tiger itself. The many, many pieces of the sculpture are being welded together. The foundry will match my sculpted textures. It is a huge puzzle to figure out where everything goes. There will also be an internal structure inside the sculpture to give it support.
bridgette – Bridgette Mongeon
Over thirty years ago, Bridgette began experimenting with sculpture during a family vacation while laying in the sand. When she returned home, Bridgette began a journey of self-education in her new-found passion. A few years later, she gave up her career in advertising and marketing to become a full-time sculptor and writer.