Solved: decimal separator - Autodesk Community
2017年9月24日 · Scientific notation would be a extension to decimal notations. whereas Architects (inclusive of carpenters) everywhere in the world except for the US would use metric numbers to write dimensions. Along this reasoning, Fractional notation would only occur in the US as an extension to an Imperial system.
Solved: Changing Coordinate System - Autodesk Community
2020年1月28日 · Thanks for sending through those links. They have been useful. On the 2012 version I could go into settings and just change the coordinate system from UTM to lat/long or vice versa. I can't find that in AutoCAD Lt 2020. Also, in the 2020 version, I used to highlight the objects and "send-to" coordinate/coordinate.
Decimal Place on coordinates - Autodesk Community
2020年5月22日 · Hello, I hope someone can help. I have 2 different DWG files. One file is showing cordinates for a point with 9 decimals before the decimal point and the other drawing is showing 6 decimals. for example 700100400.123 and 700100.400 and the dimensions for lengths are 1000.000 and 1.000.
Solved: How to change the number of decimal places of the …
2012年3月15日 · How to change the number of decimal places of the elevation of points? as the points are labeled with their elevations, I couldn’t find how the number of the decimal places of the elevation be chosen. In this case, I wanted to let the number of the decimal places to be zero. How to set the numb...
Converting a Drawing to UTM Coordinates - Autodesk Community
2018年10月26日 · Save your original dwg, the one which is using CA83IIIF (EPSG 2227) coordinate system. Close the drawing. It must be closed for this query operation to occur. Open a fresh, brand new drawing. Use OOTB 'No Template - Metric.' (This is assuming someone wants the drawing in UTM84 zone 10 meters.)
latitude and longitude in degree format - Autodesk Community
2021年1月30日 · I have tried the GEOLATLONGFORMAT option and set its value to 1, but still, the ID point shows the coordinate values in decimal format only. for example, I have a point at Easting = 308990.1852 and Northing = 2838430.5886, I want to see it in degree terms like LAT= 25.651198 and LONG. = 85.097189.
Converting my X and Y coordinate to Decimal Degrees - Autodesk …
2019年7月15日 · You must first assign an appropriate coordinate system (appropriate to South Africa) to modelspace. You cannot, and should not, expect C3D to know how to transform from a geographic coordinate system (degrees) to a projected coordinate system (meters). Do this: Start from a fresh, brand new metric template. Switch to Planning and Analysis ...
Simple way to place Lat/Lon points on a map - Autodesk Community
2022年1月5日 · When entering Lat and Long on command line, you may input either decimal degrees or DMS. If entering DMS enter like this for LAT 34D16'55.7148" and for LONG enter like this -85D10'9.8148". D=degrees, '=minutes, "=seconds. If you assign a geographic coordinate system to modelspace, i.e
Setting a State Plane Coordinate System, Longitude and latitude …
2015年11月2日 · OK. State Plane is a plane system where both axis are parallel. Latitude and Longitude is a spherical system where lines of Longitude are not parallel. Civil 3D works in parallel plane systems. It has the ability to convert to/from Lat/Long but not work directly in it, What format did the Surveyor supply the field shots in?
Solved: Points Lat-Long Format - Autodesk Community
2019年6月4日 · Believe it or not, C3D/M3D is capable of providing info for all three of those coordinates regardless of the CoordSys you have assigned to modelspace. Just use the tool MAPTRACKS. To increase the significant decimal places, use UNITS an increase the decimals in the LENGTH section, not the ANGLE section. Alternatively, you may use a GEOMARKER.