The decision support matrix lists each decision point, the events occurring there, friendly and enemy actions, and the NAI feeding the decision point. The decision support template and …
Marine Corps Planning Process also clarifies the distinction between intent and guid- ance. Intent describes the purpose of the action being directed and an idea of its end state.
We will start by reviewing the current doctrine that outlines decision-support planning and a case study describing its typical, doctrinal execution. This review will explore the...
THE MARINE CORPS PLANNING PROCESS STEP FOUR: COA Comparison and Decision KEY INPUTS •Updated IPB products •Updated, complete COAs •COA war game worksheet •COA …
The associated decision support matrix shows where and when a decision must be made if a specific action is to take place. The matrix also ties decision points to named areas of interest, …
2015年6月15日 · As Marine Corps Officers, we are primarily decision makers. Our weapon is the unit we command. We decide on a course of action and then clearly communicate that …
The Decision Matrix is a tool for both leaders and Marines to use in assessing where any Marine is at any given time on the stress continuum. It is a simple tool that is based on the...
2014年10月7日 · All Marine Corps freight and personal property shipments throughout the Defense Transportation System (DTS) require a four character TAC assigned from HQMC in …
Look at the Adversary Template, the Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay, or MCOO, the Situation Template, the Event Template and matrix, and the Decision Support Template and …