Artist Elaine Peto - Biography
Elaine Peto graduated from Exeter College of Art & Design in 1985, where she studied animals via livestock markets and the abattoir, using the media of photography and drawing to record the structure of the carcass. In 1986, she set up a studio and …
Ceramic Animal Sculptures from artist Elaine Peto
Elaine Peto creates unique animal sculptures in her studio in Andover, Hampshire
Current and previous exhibitions featuring artist Elaine Peto
Elaine exhibits her clay animal sculptures at a range of exhibitions - view current exhibitions here
Contact details for artist Elaine Peto
Elaine Peto Unit 9, Project Workshops Lains Farm Quarley, Andover Hampshire SP11 8PX UK. Tel. 01264 889880 Email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need …
Wild animal sculptures - unique art works by Elaine Peto
Elaine creates unique clay sculptures of wild animals - please enquire for availability
New work by artist Elaine Peto
A selection of new works available for purchase. Please enquire
Farm animal sculptures by artist Elaine Peto
Elaine makes unique sculptures of farm animals. Please enquire for purchase details
Latest news from Hampshire-based artist and sculptor Elaine Peto
Elaine creates unique sculptures of animals including dogs, farm and wild animals
Dog sculptures in clay and other materials - by Elaine Peto
View my range of unique sculptures of dogs. Please enquire re purchase and availability
Unique Animal Sculptures crafted in clay and other materials
Range of animal sculptures available. Please enquire for purchase details