How do u lane against yorick : r/FioraMains - Reddit
2022年5月17日 · You need more than 30 games on Fiora before you start worrying about what you’re doing wrong, you’re probably doing everything wrong I’m sorry. Keep playing, play 70 more games with Fiora. Yorick should be a pretty easy matchup for you since you can stun him with your parry everytime he uses his arena.
Matchup Yorick vs Fiora : r/yorickmains - Reddit
2021年12月29日 · Yorick beats her all the way to late game. Late game fiora is unbeatable. Her early is disgustingly weak and she cant reliably kill your ghouls so its free poke with e. post 6 just bonk with maiden because maiden makes every 1v1 a 1v2. btw she escapes ur w with q so its kinda pointless against her.
yorick matchup : r/FioraMains - Reddit
2023年9月12日 · That said, this matchup is fully dependent on fiora and Yorick's pre-6. If you don't get a fairly large advantage before 6 fiora isn't going to outdamage him. Past that point you beat him at 3 items pretty solidly.
Tips vs Fiora pls! : r/yorickmains - Reddit
2022年8月25日 · Yorick, by design, got more cs than average champion because his gouls pick up free cs. Either your last hitting is bad or you are playing Yorick wrong and not picking up waves on the sidelane. Anyway you are missing a lot of free gold. 15cs is about 300 gold champion kill.
Laning Vs Yorick : r/FioraMains - Reddit
2021年9月19日 · I'm a hard yorick main, just getting into fiora, ironically. With 4 ghouls + maiden, him hitting his glob (E) makes all the ghouls jump and deal burst, put 4 bodies on you, and slow you. If he is pressuring you under tower, he loses the ability to guide maiden after throwing E, so walk as far past turret as you can, and maiden will int for you.
vs yorick : r/FioraMains - Reddit
2024年2月19日 · Posted by u/Frosty_Smoke_2723 - 1 vote and no comments
When to play Yorick vs. When to play fiora? : r/yorickmains - Reddit
2021年3月7日 · honestly i dont know why a champ like yorick exists in the same game. they do the same thing but fiora does it much better plus other stuff. the only thing yorick got over her is he can push lanes while farming diff lane/jg.
How do you win against a Fiora? : r/yorickmains - Reddit
2023年6月23日 · Fiora is definitely a matchup favored for her but I actually like when people pick it , if they ever go for a dash post 3 that’s when I e and I don’t use anything else until she Ws, i auto q chase a bit if she hasn’t yet and then backup if she still doesn’t , if she never used it and you back off appropriately it’s a fine trade and if she does use it that’s when you can wall for an ...
Yorick man : r/FioraMains - Reddit
2019年2月16日 · Fiora is an absolute nightmare for Yorick to deal with, and it's usually only if you misplay that you will actually lose against him. Best thing you can do is take doran's blade start and hit him with your Q whenever you get a chance to poke, bonus points if you trigger the vital and simply disengage afterwards by running into a bush.
Playing vs yorick : r/yorickmains - Reddit
2023年10月20日 · This way turret can kill her for you (I hate this interaction btw). Its the safest and easiest way to get rid of her. [remember that maiden will deal %6-12 max health magic dmg if YORICK attacks YOU while MAIDEN attacking you. Fiora, camille etc are good against yorick, because they have a dash and can sustain a lot.