Hylomorphism | Form, Matter & Prime Mover | Britannica
Form vs. Matter - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
亚里士多德“质料形式理论”探源 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
摘要:亚里士多德的“质料形式理论(Hylomorphism)”是他的形而上学的重要部分,但它的确切含义似乎是一个令人困惑的问题。当前流行的“构成性”解释模型把形式与质料看作构成复合实体的不同成分,并认为它们的关系类似于属性与物质 …
hylomorphism summary | Britannica
亚里士多德“质料形式理论”探源_实体 - 搜狐
The History of Hylomorphism: From Aristotle to Descartes
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如何理解hylomorphism? - 知乎
Hylomorphism - Cambridge University Press
This Element introduces Aristotle's doctrine of hylomorphism, which explains the nature and unity of a biological whole in terms of its having a 'form' as well as matter. It also discusses the revival of hylomorphism in contemporary …
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