约 71,300 个结果
  1. Inhaling Helium: Is It Really That Dangerous? - Healthline

    2022年11月14日 · Harmless as it may seem, though, inhaling helium can be dangerous — deadly, in fact. There are numerous case reports of serious injury and even death caused by helium inhalation.

  2. Is It Dangerous to Inhale Helium? Everything You Should Know

    2024年1月16日 · It’s never completely safe to inhale helium, even if you inhale it from a balloon. It causes oxygen deprivation in your body which can be really hazardous in certain cases. Inhaling helium can be especially dangerous for kids, seniors, and those with some kind of lung problem.

  3. What Happens If You Inhale Helium? - ThoughtCo

    2020年1月13日 · Learn about the health effects of inhaling helium gas and how to breathe helium safely to get a squeaky voice.

  4. Stay out of that balloon! - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)

    Breathing in pure helium deprives the body of oxygen, as if you were holding your breath. If you couldn't breathe at all, you'd start to die in minutes—as soon as your body exhausted the supply of oxygen stored in the blood.

  5. Is It Safe to Inhale Helium? Understanding the Risks and Benefits

    2024年10月7日 · Explore the risks and benefits of inhaling helium. Learn about its uses, safety concerns, and the reasons why people inhale helium in a fun and informative guide.

  6. Inhaling Helium Can Be Deadly - Medscape

    2012年3月15日 · According to the NIPC, huffing helium can cut off oxygen supply or can cause an embolism if a person inhales too deeply. In addition, pressurized tank gas can cause lungs to rupture....

  7. Inhaling Helium: Is It Safe? - Alot Health

    2015年1月12日 · Ever the popular gag at birthday parties, inhaling helium has the ability to humorously change your voice. However, many people wonder whether this funny practice is dangerous to their health. The answer really depends on just how much helium you’re inhaling.

  8. Being odourless, colourless, tasteless and non-irritating, helium has no warning properties. Although helium is nontoxic and inert, it can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen in the air to levels below that required to support life. Inhalation of helium in excessive amounts can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness

  9. Is Inhaling Helium Gas Harmful to Your Health? | AI Care

    2024年3月26日 · Inhaling large amounts of helium can cause serious harm. If after inhaling helium you experience symptoms such as low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat and blurred vision, seizures and weakness, you should immediately consult the emergency room for treatment.

  10. Is Inhaling Helium Harmful For Health? - Epainassist

    2021年2月1日 · Inhaling a single breath of helium from a balloon can have a voice-altering effect. It might also lead to dizziness, nausea, light-headedness, and risk of passing out. It would not lead to any major health issue or kill you, but the chances are not completely nil.