Johnny Canuck is a Canadian cartoon hero and superhero who was created as a political cartoon in 1869 and was later re-invented as a Second World War action hero in 1942. The Vancouver …
2009年11月24日 · Johnny Canuck is also the name of a Canadian comic-book hero introduced in 1941, a muscular air force captain/secret agent who protected Canadians from the Nazi …
Johnny Canuck, a personification of Canada who appeared in early political cartoons of the 1860s resisting Uncle Sam's bullying. Johnny Canuck was revived in 1942 by Leo Bachle to defend …
2011年6月9日 · An HD short film chronicling the legendary Johnny Canuck, his years of triumph and turmoil, and how they mirror the history of the Vancouver Canucks franchise and their …
2019年7月16日 · Johnny Canuck (occasionally also “Jack Canuck” or “Young Canuck”) came to serve as the recognized Canadian equivalent of Uncle Sam in the United States or John Bull …
Reborn in the image of cartoonist Leo Bachle during World War II, the popular Johnny Canuck was Canada’s defender from the Nazi menace. Then, in 1975, comic-book artist Richard …
Johnny Canuck, a Captain in the Allied air forces, is Canada's answer to Nazi oppression, operating like a freelance agent. He is also referred to as "Canada's super hero." Dime …