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    Kenneth Waltz - Wikipedia

    • Kenneth Neal Waltz was an American political scientist who was a member of the faculty at both the University of California, Berkeley and Columbia University and one of the most prominent scholars in the field of international relations. He was a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War. Waltz was one of the original founders of neorealism, or structural realism, i… 展开

    Early life, education, and military service

    Waltz was born on June 8, 1924, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He grew up and attended high school there. He then attended
    He … 展开

    Academic career

    Waltz became a lecturer and then assistant professor at Columbia from 1953 to 1957. He became one of the early group of scholars at Columbia's Institute of War and Peace Studies and acted as a research assistant from … 展开


    Man, the State, and War. Columbia University Press. New York: 1959.
    • Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics: The American and British Experience. Little, Brown and Company. New York: 1967.… 展开

    Awards and honors

    Waltz received the Heinz Eulau Award in 1991 for Best Article in the American Political Science Review during 1990 for "Nuclear Myths and Political Realities". He received the James Madison Award for "distinguished sc… 展开

    Dissertation Award

    The Kenneth N. Waltz Dissertation Award is a yearly award given by the American Political Science Association to the best defended dissertation on the study of international security and arms control. Students from ar… 展开