Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman Grill | Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年10月15日 · When they went bankrupt, they owed Lodge money. As part of their debt settlement, Lodge took ownership of all of BSR's patterns (the pieces used to make the molds that make the cast iron pieces). To this day Lodge makes a number of pieces that were originally BSR. This Lodge Sportsman Grill is one of them.
Ozark Trail cast iron question | Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年3月8日 · I was wandering through the local wally world today and noticed that they sell Lodge brand cast iron in the housewares section and Ozark Trail cast iron in the camping area. My question is: how concerned should I be using a "made in China" OT product not knowing the make up of the cast iron as opposed to the US made Lodge.
Stargazer Cast Iron - Bushcraft USA Forums
2019年1月16日 · Hello all, My mother gave me my grandmother's Lodge cast iron skillet a couple of weeks ago. After stripping and seasoning it, it put my newer Lodge skillet to shame. So much shame that I donated it to goodwill. We still get Christmas money from our parents every year so this year I ponied up and purchased a new cast iron skillet.
Does anyone have any experience with Stansport cast iron?
2021年3月26日 · Price $35CAD, plus $25CAD shipping. For context, it totals roughly half of what a Lodge equivalent would cost here. My wife brought the box in from the porch, and we could immediately hear iron scraping over iron. Uh-oh. Shipping box was in good shape, inside the product box was padded well and...
How do you smooth cast iron? - Bushcraft USA Forums
2017年9月9日 · As an aside, Wagner brand discontinued their Sidney line back in the '80's and came out with a new line of Cast iron cookware which they dubbed "Original 1850 Cookware", it was much the same finish quality as todays Lodge cast iron, well made but with a rough surface finish, so be aware, not all Wagner cast iron cookware is the same.
Recommended me a Dutch oven please! | Bushcraft USA Forums
2021年11月3日 · All from Lodge: 5 Quart Cast Iron Dutch Oven SKU: L8DOL3 $49.95 Length 12.56 IN Height 7.14 IN Weight 12.78 LBS Width 10.43 IN 7 Quart Cast Iron Dutch Oven SKU: L10DOL3 $79.95 Length 14.68 IN Height 7.12 IN Weight 18.1 LBS Width 12.81 IN If being made in China makes no difference to you: 6 Quart Blue Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven SKU: …
Found my old lost (now) dusty, dirty cast iron skillet. Best way to ...
2012年1月16日 · my newer lodge cast iron pans are no where near my old Griswolds. I believe when my Griswold was made, probably like 500 years ago, they would grind the cast down smooth. My new pans (<5 years old) were all rough when I got em. I left one out in the smoker all winter and it was a rusted mess come spring.. oops... ok re-season with gusto time.
Made in China cast iron - Bushcraft USA Forums
2010年12月27日 · Went to a "dollar" type store here and saw cast iron no-name 10" skillet for $10. Looked ok, but when flipped over, in massive (compared to smoothness, about 3/4" high) letters cast into the metal was "MADE IN CHINA". Replaced it on the rack and thought, "For $2 more someone could get a Lodge...
Looks like it is stictly Lodge cast iron for me from now on.
2016年3月10日 · Cooking & Water Purification ... Looks like it is stictly Lodge cast iron for me from now on.
Cast Iron brands - Bushcraft USA Forums
2010年10月14日 · I looked around a bit on here, but never saw a post about this. I've seen Lodge and Texsport cast iron skillets and dutch ovens. But, online, you can find many other brands. I'm assuming that the 2 I listed are good brands. What's everyone else's opinion, and maybe some other good brands. I'm...
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