What are Boolean operators? - Walden University
Jan 22, 2022 · Most library databases are designed to work with the above Boolean operators. Search engines, such as Google, also use Boolean operators to create complex searches. Tips for using Boolean operators in Library databases: Include one concept per search box. Use the AND operator between search boxes.
How do I use scholarly argument? - Walden University
Jul 17, 2023 · Avoiding Logical Fallacies. However, as you make claims, be sure to avoid using opinion or logical fallacies (false logic) in place of scholarly evidence. Logical fallacy: Video games cause obesity. Are all people who play video games obese? Are there other factors? Correlation does not mean that one action causes the other. Additional Resources:
How do I use scholarly tone? - Walden University
Jul 17, 2023 · Refrain from giving opinion statements or using emotional or inflated language. Also work to avoid logical fallacies. (View a list on the Writing Center's website of logical fallacies to avoid in your writing.) Retain formality. Try to avoid conversational language.
How do I write up the results of a logistic regression in APA?
Jul 17, 2023 · Find Quick Answers to common academic skills, technology, and Walden University support questions.
Do I need to capitalize the name of models in my capstone?
Jun 29, 2023 · Names of methods, models, and theories are not capitalized (except for proper nouns in the names). For example, “socioeconomic model” would not be capitalized.
What is the Find at Walden button? - Walden University
Jan 26, 2022 · The Find at Walden link or button checks all of the Library databases for the full text of an article. Some databases include citations for articles without full text, although we may have the full text available in a different database.
What is critical reading? - Walden University
Are the conclusions logical? How might the context of the research affect the author's viewpoint? Is the author's work credible? Do the authors' ideas agree or disagree with your own experiences? How so? These questions will help you engage with your reading, ensuring you are not simply reading words but also interacting with your sources' ideas.
How do I find an international peer reviewed journal?
Mar 8, 2022 · One way to find an international peer reviewed journal is to use a database focused on the subject area of your choice and use the advanced search limiters.
How do I find scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles?
Nov 24, 2020 · You can limit your search in many of the Library's research databases to scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. To start your search, first choose a database.
How do I write my problem statement for my capstone?
Jun 29, 2023 · A problem statement is a statement where the writer describes a problem and presents an argument as to why further research on this problem is necessary.