The Multi-function Agile Remote-Controlled Robot (MARCbot) is a military robot created by Exponent Inc. for the United States Army Rapid Equipping Force. [1] [2]
Jan 1, 2009 · Marshall Space Flight Center mobile communications platform designs for future lunar missions led to improvements to fleets of tactical robots now being deployed by U.S. Army. The Multi-function Agile Remote Control Robot (MARCbot) helps soldiers search out and identify improvised explosive devices.
The MARCbot is a remotely operated reconnaissance robot specifically developed to identify IEDs and maintaining a safe distance—allowing a soldier to assess whether an object is a potential IED while avoiding close (and perhaps dangerous) physical proximity.
Aug 7, 2008 · Known as the MARCbot IV, the robot resembles a remote controlled car. The MARCbot IV has proven to be a powerful tool against combating terrorist activity with its moveable camera arm, ability to...
The MARCbot received multiple upgrades from engineers at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and hundreds have now been deployed by the U.S. military overseas to help soldiers identify improvised explosive devices.
The Multi-function Agile Remote-Controlled Robot (MARCbot) is a military robot created by Exponent Inc. for the United States Army Rapid Equipping Force.
Mar 31, 2009 · The MARCbot IV is a light-weight reconnaissance robot that can spot IEDs or enemy positions in danger areas, while the Talon is fully equipped to defeat IEDs. The MARCbot IV is highly...