Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy - State of Michigan
EGLE's interactive calendar is designed to provide timely information on decisions before the Director, proposed settlements of contested cases, administrative rules promulgation, public …
EGLE Divisions and Offices - State of Michigan
Working side-by-side with partners at local, regional, state and federal levels, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy safeguards our state's environment …
EGLE Permits - State of Michigan
EGLE's mission to protect Michigan's environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources is supported by environmental permitting. Through permit issuance and …
EGLE Policies and procedures - State of Michigan
Find all of our department, division, and office policies and procedures. If a policy or procedure your are looking for is not listed below, please contact us at [email protected].
For the public - State of Michigan
We welcome all Michiganders to engage with EGLE programs, staff, and processes – and value your contributions to protecting Michigan’s public health, air, water, land, and energy …
Common Michigan Waste Regulations - State of Michigan
An interactive map displaying contaminated sites throughout Michigan regulated under Parts 213, 201, and 211.
Oil and Gas - State of Michigan
EGLE regulates the location, drilling, production and proper abandonment of oil and gas wells and facilities. Click here to view these regulations, access an on-line database and find other …
EGLE newsroom - State of Michigan
An exclusive online publication, MI Environment shares stories of EGLE in action in communities across Michigan, from hot topics and emerging issues to departmental news. All content is …
Forms - State of Michigan
The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has numerous forms available to the public. To view a specific form or template, you can search by typing in the form name …
Our executive team - State of Michigan
EGLE employs more than 1,500 scientists, engineers, geologists, toxicologists, inspectors, technicians, managers, biologists and support staff across the state. We work in the office and …