Home - Marimer
Marimer*, the natural solution for the prevention and treatment of ENT pathologies.
Daily Nasal hygiene - Marimer
2021年11月3日 · MARIMER DAILY NASAL HYGIENE is a seawater solution naturally high in mineral salts and marine dietary elements. The formula helps to decrease symptoms of allergy, and facilitates the gently evacuation of nasal secretions that can sometimes make life miserable.
FAQ - Marimer
How long can you keep Marimer® sprays once they have been opened? The pocket valve system means that they may be kept from the first time they are used until the expiry date (or 3 years after manufacture).
Seawater - Marimer
The 100% natural seawater of Marimer is drawn from Brittany, in the Iroise Marine Park ... Continue reading
Blocked Nose - Cold - Marimer
Did you know that the effectiveness of our Marimer Blocked Nose and Cold spray is clinically proven? Find out more
Baby Daily Nasal Hygiene - Marimer
Good nasal hygiene for your baby will help protect their nasal mucosa from external attacks and help prevent ENT infections. Using MARIMER BABY DAILY NASAL HYGIENE will help the nose to breathe up to the age of 6 months. WHY USE MARIMER BABY DAILY NASAL HYGIENE? - For a daily nasal hygiene, - It moisturizes the nasal mucous,
Baby Blocked Nose - Cold - Marimer
2021年11月3日 · Up to the age of 6 months, infants breathe exclusively through their nose. In the event of heavy breathing due to a cold or blocked nose, the MARIMER BABY BLOCKED NOSE AND COLD formula will clean and decongest the nasal fossae. WHY USE MARIMER BABY BLOCKED NOSE AND COLD? - It decongest the nose, - It cleanses the nasal mucous,
Blocked Nose - Cold - Marimer
To combat these symptoms, the 1st thing to do is protect the nose from pathogenic secretions using MARIMER BLOCKED NOSE - COLD. WHY USE MARIMER BLOCKED NOSE - COLD ? - It decongest the nose,
100 % natural seawater - Marimer
All products in the MARIMER sprays range are made using quality seawater rich in dietary-minerals such as copper, zinc and manganese, known for their therapeutic properties in treatment of respiratory infections.
What is the ent field - Marimer
why choose marimer? 100% natural seawater; practicality and safety; clinical trials; marimer adults. daily nasal hygiene; blocked nose - cold; marimer baby. baby daily nasal hygiene; baby blocked nose - cold; faq; our advice on. what is the ent field ? blocked nose - …